Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wine Label Contest for ART 170 credit

Call for Art Entries: 2018 Spring Wine Release Label Contest
The Art Gallery and Wine Academy are pleased to present the wine label art contest. This is an opportunity for the Students of South to have their work featured on a bottle for the Spring 2018 South Seattle College Wine Release. The chosen artwork will be featured on the label as well as in the Art Gallery and the Tasting Room. Selected artwork must be available for both exhibition timelines.
· Media: Open to all visual arts 
· Theme of imagery: Wine and/or South Seattle College
· Size: Must fit within the label dimensions (3 inches wide x 3 inches high) or smaller, when reduced 
· Submission Due Date: 11:59pm, February 15th
· Disclaimer: Selected image will be a representation of the school, so please make sure submissions are family friendly and appropriate.
Label Contest Timeline:
· Artwork Due Date: 11:59pm, February 15th
· Art Selection Announcement: February 28th 
· High Resolution digital copy of artwork due to committee: March 5th 
Art Display Timeline:
· Artwork drop off to Art Gallery: March 12th – 16th
· Artwork displayed in Art Gallery: April 2nd – April 27th
· Art work held in storage: April 27th – May 15th
· Artwork displayed in Tasting Room: May 16th – May 25th
· Artwork pick-up from Tasting Room: May 29th 
How to Apply:
This show will be juried by the South Seattle College Wine Academy Committee. The committee with review up to two works, select piece and then notify artists of the results by February 28th. Artists interested in participating should email the following to:    ssccartgallery@seattlecolleges.edu
1) Up to two images of submitted pieces. Images must be jpegs, no larger than 72 dpi and should be named in the following format: First initial_Last name_Artwork Title. 
2) Image List. This should include the following information for each piece: Artwork Title, Dimensions, Medium and short description of piece (about one sentence). 
3) Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone, Email and any other pertinent info.  
4) Signed Contract. This can be found on the gallery webpage:      http://www.southseattle.edu/student-life/art-gallery/ 
Contact Jessica Heide, Art Gallery Coordinator 
Email: jessica.heide@seattlecolleges.edu or Phone: 206-943-5337

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