Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wine Exhibition for ART 170 Credit

all to Artist: Wine Exhibition: The Art of Wine 
The Art Gallery and Wine Academy are partnering to bring you the upcoming exhibition The Art of Wine. We are looking for artwork which showcase all aspects of wine, from the process of creating wine to the grapes from which they come. The works will then be displayed in both the Art Gallery across the month of April and then a selection will also be displayed in the Wine Academy Tasting Room in the month of May. 
  • Media: Open to all medias  
  • Theme of imagery: Wine and/or South Seattle College 
  • Submission Due Date: 11:59pm, March 5th 
Art Display Timeline: 
  • Artwork drop off to Art Gallery: March 12th – 16th 
  • Artwork displayed in Art Gallery: April 2nd – April 27th 
  • Art work held in storage: April 27th – May 15th 
  • Artwork displayed in Tasting Room: May 16th – May 25th 
  • Artwork pick-up from Tasting Room: May 29th  
How to Apply: 
Artists interested in participating should email, ssccartgallery@seattlecolleges.edu  by the submission deadline. Information to include should: artist name, picture of artwork, title of artwork, and approximate size of artwork. 
Contact Jessica Heide, Art Gallery Coordinator  
Email: jessica.heide@seattlecolleges.edu or Phone: 206-943-5337 

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