Info about Photographer Presentations

Discussing Photographs

Student Presentation on a Photographer – Fall 2018

15 points

Each student is required to make an oral presentation on a photographer.

What is required?

 At least 1 .jpg photograph must be posted to this class website prior to the presentation:

It must be properly cited. (2 points)

Use MLA format.

Here is one source that instructs in MLA format for photographs:

2. Powerpoint can be a useful tool for organizing and presenting your photographer.

Other than that, you may cover what you think is relevant for however long you wish to present.

a. Who is the photographer?

b. What do you see?

c. What is the significance of the photograph for the course?

3. If the photographer is living, you might try communicating with the photographer

about your presentation.

There is what can be considered a 'canon' of highly regarded photographers in a standard history of photography. This 'canon' is heavily oriented towards European and American photographers.

It is good to be aware of this, although I am trying to encourage students to also explore photographers outside this list. However, doing reports on photographers from the canon is totally OK - since many of my students are unable to mention a single photographer on the list. Here's a useful  website: