Assignment 4
Assignment 4 The Invention of Photography with 19th Century British Applications
Visual Journal
Written Assignment due Wednesday October 17th, 2018
The Pencil of Nature, TR57 P66 1990 [VHS] or DVD (required) Available through
"Films on Demand"
The Eye of the Empire, TR 775 E94 1989 [VHS] or DVD (required) Available
through "Films on Demand"
William Henry Fox Talbot, TR 140 T3 W55 2003 [DVD]
Daguerre and the Photo
Camera, TR 140 D3 D34 2004 [DVD]
The Magic Mirror, TR 646 M334 1991 [VHS]
What one essential technological difference separated the photographic inventions of
NiƩpce and Daguerre from that of Fox Talbot?
What occupations and social classes seemed to characterize many of the early
What occupations and social classes seemed to characterize many of the early
practitioners of photography within Britain?
What characterized their approach to photography? How did they view this new medium, photography?
What would you say was the relationship between painting and photography in Victorian
What characterized their approach to photography? How did they view this new medium, photography?
What would you say was the relationship between painting and photography in Victorian
England, as presented in the videos and by Fox Talbot in The Pencil of Nature?
Describe how photography was used to support the British conception of the 19th century
Describe how photography was used to support the British conception of the 19th century
world order?
Describe how the use of photography developed in tandem with the
Describe how the use of photography developed in tandem with the
new social science of anthropology.
Choose one landscape or nature photograph from The Pencil of Nature to write about.
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