Thursday, April 6, 2017

ART 170
Assignment 3
Life Magazine, Gordon Parks, and other Photographers
Google Books:  Life Magazine
Partner Up with another student: 
Choose a real Life Magazine or a digital copy.  Write a paragraph or 2 about a photograph or two or a photographer presented in the issue you have selected.

Use the built in search utility to find photographs and photographers
Don’t forget issue date and page numbers.
Here are a few Gordon Park contributions:

 Red Jackson 1948, Flavio Brazil 1961, Fontanelles 1967, Paris 1952, Elvis 1950’s,  Duke Ellington 1960,  Black Panther Party 1969, 1970, Baptist Church 1953, Benedictine Monks 1955, Gordon Parks Fort Scott Kansas 
“Segregation Story” Gordon Parks Foundation

Margaret Bourke-White, photographer

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