Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Visual Journal Assignment 4 - Photograms


Rayographs:  http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/search-the-collections/265487

On Friday, October 7th , beginning at 8:00 AM, come to RAH 303 The Darkroom. Don't come any later than  9:15 AM. You may need to knock on the door. Entering the darkroom is in 2 stages: wait for the outer door to close before entering the inner door.

You might envision a composition in advance.  The formats  8 x 10 inch or 11 X 14 inch black-and-white photographs.  Bring interestingly shaped objects as parts of the composition.  This quarter we are emphasizing  CAR CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY.

Here are some of the objects that have been used in the past:

gummi bears, stars, hands, earphones, leaves, plants, religious symbols, toys, etc.  Be creative!

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