Sunday, April 4, 2010

Syllabus and first 2 assignments Spring 2010

Assignment 2
South Seattle Community College
Spring Quarter 2010
ART 170
Randy Nelson
Visual Journal
Assignment #2
Your Photographs on Our Website: ART 170Z PHOTOGRAPHER PRESENTATIONS

due June 2
1. Post at least 3 photographs that you have taken to the bulletin board on our class website. Label it "Assignment 2". You may post as many photographs as you wish.
2. The photograph must be a jpeg (.jpg) file. It should fit on the screen and be
between approximately 600 x 600 and 800 x 1200 pixels.
3. Deadline for one photograph to be posted: Wednesday May 26
4. Send comments on 6 photographs to fellow students.
5. What did you learn about your photograph from the comments of your audience, your fellow students?
(This, number 5, is the only written part of the assignment that I need from you (due June 2).

Discussing Photographs
Some Questions to Consider When Discussing Still Photographs
Randy Nelson
ART 170Z
Subject matter
Reality: What subjects and objects from the material world appear in the photograph?
Are there symbolic elements in the photograph?
Is there text within the photograph?
Is thre an apparent story being told visually?
Does the photograph have a title or a caption?
Is the source of light the sun?
Is there artificial light?
From what direction is the primary light?
Is there reflected lighting?
What is the color of the light?
Are there distinct shadows?
Is there detail in the shadows/
Is there detail in the highlights?
Is there high contrast?
Is there low contrast?
What is the hyper focal distance?
What is in focus?
How great is the depth of field?
Is the photograph sharp, or does it have a soft focus?
Frame Format
What is the shape of the frame?
What is the aspect ratio?
Treatment of time and motion
Is motion apparently frozen?
Is motion apparently blurred?
Graphic Design
What plane geometric lines and shapes do you see in the picture?
Are there vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines?
Are there curves, such as ‘S’ curves?
Are shapes such as triangles or circles apparent?
Is the ‘Rule of Thirds’ employed?
Describe the journey of your eye within the composition.
What do the faces and bodies of any human subjects express?
Do you see expressiveness in the appearance of any non-human subjects?
Is there a dominant color that sets the mood?
Do colors enhance the photograph?
Is there anything new about the photograph?
Is there anything shocking about the photograph?
What is the photographer communicating?
What is the point-of-view of the photographer?
What is the purpose of the photograph?
Spring Quarter 2010
ART 170Z
Randy Nelson
Visual Journal, Assignment #2
Pictures of You and Photography as an Art Language
For Show and Tell - 2 photographs
1. Show or post a photograph, either a snapshot or a portrait of you that looks like you that you would be willing to present to the class.
2. Show or post a photograph from any source that symbolizes you in some way or reveals a real you (that you would be willing to share with the class).
3. You should post the photographs before coming to class om the blog "ART 170Z Student Photographs"
4. We will review the photos in class on Wednesday April 7, 2010.
6. Answer some of the questions posted under “Discussing Photographs” for each of
 your photographs.
Hand in this written assignment on Monday April 12, 2010.
South Seattle Community College_______________Academic Division
ART 170 - Photography as an Art Language
Spring  2010
INSTRUCTOR: Randy Nelson OFFICE: Library Darkroom LIB 144, 768-6405,,
Course Websites:,
OFFICE HOUR: 9:00 – 10:00 AM Friday
Traces the history and distinctive properties of photography. Includes camera, exposure, lighting, composition, black and white darkroom work, and digital imaging. This course can satisfy the Associate of Arts Degree distribution requirements in both Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts - Music, Art, and Drama and Individuals, Cultures, and Societies - Global Studies. The course is thereby considered to be an Integrated Studies (IS) course.

The course will address the following Student Learning Outcomes which have been adopted by South Seattle Community College as General Education Requirements, which are knowledge and abilities that every student graduating with a degree should have.
Communication*Read and listen actively to learn and communicate.
*Speak and write effectively for personal, academic, and career purposes.Computation
*Use arithmetic and other basic mathematical operations as required by program of study.Human Relations
* Use social interactive skills to work in groups effectively.
*Recognize the diversity of cultural influences and values.Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
*Think critically in evaluating information, solving problems, and making decisions.Technology
*Select and use appropriate technological tools for personal, academic, and career tasks.Personal Responsibility
*Be motivated and able to continue learning and adapt to change.
*Value one’s own skills, abilities, ideas, and art.
*Take pride in one’s work
*Be aware of civic and environmental issues
*Information Literacy
- Access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and contexts, including technology.
*Use information to achieve personal, academic, and career goals, as well as to participate in a democratic society.
At the end of the course, the student will:be able to use the basic technologies of photography.
Understand the relationship between photography and visual perception.
Be familiar with the histories of photography as an art and as technology.
Be aware of photography’s effect on art and society.
Be aware of the global importance of photography as an art and a tool of communication.
Be familiar with customary display venues, such as galleries and the World Wide Web.
Be aware of some of the legal and ethical issues concerning photography in an academic environment.

Materials are On Reserve in the Library at the Circulation or Media Desks

Attendance is required. It is important for students to attend each class session. However, I don't grade on attendance. If you miss class, I won’t have time to provide you with all the material that you have missed. Bonus points will be given to students who miss no more than one class.

The assignments are described on a separate handout. They consist of weekly assignments, as well as a few assignments which are due at the end of the quarter. Late assignments may be discounted. If insufficient work is turned in to warrant a 0.7 grade, a failing grade (0.0) will be given, unless I hear from you with a specific reason why you are not completing the course. In which case, I may give a grade of ‘NC’.
I only give Incompletes (I) when 1.) some work due at the end of the quarter is missing and 2. we come to an agreement about completion.

All written assignments must be submitted by individuals in their own words. All photographs posted on the website must be properly cited i.e. photographer’s name, title of photograph, and source of photograph.

In concordance with FERPA regulations and privacy concerns, I will provide no information to third parties (outside the SCCD) concerning you, without your permission, other than to say you are/were enrolled in my course.

ADA Request for Information
I would like information about services to students with disabilities.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Program (if known)SID (if known)
I am completing this form at:Registration
Placement Office
Financial Aid
My Program (from my teacher)
I understand that I will be contacted by phone or by email by:Roxanne Tillman, Director Educational Support Services Phone: 206-763-5137South Seattle Community College TTY: 206-764-53486000 – 16th Avenue Southwest Fax: 206-768-6649Seattle, WA 98106 Email:
The Director will:
1. answer my questions about services to students with challenges and/or disabilities which may impact learning at SSCC and
2. explain the next steps to access those services.
I understand that I am under no obligation to disclose whether or not I have a disability to receive information regarding services to students with disabilities.
Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________________T
his request will be maintained by the Disability Services office, separate from academic records.
Equal OpportunitySouth Seattle Community College is committed to non-discrimination in all of its educational and employment activities, and to provide equal access to each of its educational programs and activities, and employment opportunities.
This policy shall apply to all students and applicants for admission, as well as all employees and applicants for employment, without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; age; the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability; or whether a Vietnam-era or disabled veteran.
Grading Checklist 
ART 170Z Grading Checklist
ART 170Z Photography as an Art Language
Name_______________ Spring Quarter 2010
Quarter Assignments
Visual Journal assignments, weekly
40 points ______________
2 quizzes
20 points ______________
3 photographic digital images (1 straight, 1 edited, 1 manipulated)
10 points ______________
Final Project 15 points______________
Presentation of a photographer 15 points ______________
Extra Credit: No more than ONE absence 5 points_______________
Extra Credit: Presentation on date of Final Exam 5 points______________
Final Grade 100 points ___________
Points Decimal Grade
95 -100 3.5 - 4.0 A
85 – 94 2.5 – 3.4 B
75 - 84 1.5 – 2.4 C

1 comment:

Ka Lee said...

Questions - Assignment 2

Do you have word count requirement for #5?