Sunday, January 3, 2010

Assignment 1 Winter 2010

Winter Quarter 2010
ART 170Z
Randy Nelson
Visual Journal, Assignment #2
Pictures of You and Photography as an Art Language
For Show and Tell - 2 photographs
1. Show or post a photograph, either a snapshot or a portrait of you that looks like you that you would be willing to present to the class.
2. Show or post a photograph from any source that symbolizes you in some way or reveals a real you (that you would be willing to share with the class).
3. You should post the photographs before coming to class om the blog "ART 170Z Student Photographs"
4. We will review the photos in class on Wednesday January 5, 2010.
6. Answer some of the questions posted under “Discussing Photographs” for each of your photographs.
Hand in this written assignment on Monday January 10, 2010.


Ngan Dang said...

sorry I don't quite understand the last requirement for the assignment 1. what you mean "Answer some of the questions posted under “Discussing Photographs” for each photograph."? Is it mean I have to comment for every photograph in the forum or just my photograph only? Can you please explain to me?

Randy Nelson said...

On top this assignment in the blog there is an entry "Discussing Photographs". Choose amongst these topics for points to discuss about your photographs.