Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Assignment 9 Response to Presentations

Assignment 9  Response to Presentations 


due End of Quarter
Responses to Student Presentations on Photographers

1. Photograph 1:



Photograph posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

2. Photograph 2:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

3. Photograph 3:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photographer?

4. Photograph 4:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

5. Photograph 5:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Assignment 8 The Studio

On Wednesday February 20th meet in the Studio LIB 144, my office and studio.  You may come as early as12:15 pm or as late as 1:45 pm.  

Consider posing or modeling, OR taking photos of your fellow students.  

You might consider costumes or fashion. 

You might also try the "Father
hood" theme. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Fatherhood Photos

Don't forget to create at least ONE photo on the theme of Fatherhood. 

These photos will go up in the Library Gallery in a couple of weeks. 

The photograph MUST be your own photo. It may be a selfie. I have sent out invitationsto the "Fatherhood, Motherhood" blog.  You may submit by posting there.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Assignment 7 Edward and Asahel Curtis

Edward and Asahel Curtis and Western American Photographers

Edward and Asahel Curtis and Western American Photographers

due February 25

Edward Curtis 

View the film 
Different Lenses in class on Wednesday February 6th (weather permitted)

View this film at home (or at SSC):  



Peruse the encyclopedia:  

Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952. 


E77 .C97 

 South Campus Reference Collection

Asahel Curtis

Visit the Asahel Curtis Collection at the University of Washington

1. How did Asahel Curtis make his living as a photographer?

2. What was Edward Curtis's obsession?

3. What was realistic about the photography of both Edward and Asahel Curtis?
Compare them.

4. How did art characterize their approaches to photography?

5.  Compare the 2.

6.  Discuss a photo by each brother.

7.  Have a look at the Library's copy of Curtis' North American Indian.  

      Choose an additional image from this multi-volume to discuss.  Discuss it         both as a work of art and as an ethnographic record.

8.  Photography as a technology progressed at about the same time as the Western expansion of the United States. Find another pioneering Western American photographer.  A couple examples of immigrant photographers include Frank Matsura and Anders Beer Wilse, or native born Americans likeImogen Cuningham and Timothy O'Sullivan.    Why is that photographer 

      noteworthy?   Discuss a photograph or two by that photographer.

No class on Monday February 4th SSC is closed

I will post 2 assignments that can be done off-campus. 
- Randy

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Black History Month February - Gordon Parks assignment 6 Winter 2019

ART 170
                             Gordon Parks, Assignment 6  
Due  February 25th                                              
Half Past Autumn: The Life and Art of Gordon Parks
                   Available through Films on Demand
                   access via South Seattle College Library 

Visit the Gordan Parks Foundation Website:

Other Resources:   
Library of Congress (Farm Security Administration)
Life Magazine
Pinterest, ARTSTOR
Google Images

Find a real Life Magazine or a digital copy or another resource featuring work by Gordon Parks  Write a paragraph or 2 about 2 Gordon Parks photographs.  You might compare and contrast 3 different photos.    

Turn in your written assignment.  Be prepared to present a brief 3 minute presentation about your photos.

Here are a few Gordon Park contributions in Life Magazine:

 Red Jackson 1948, Flavio Brazil 1961, Fontanelles 1967, Paris 1952, Elvis 1950’s,  Duke Ellington 1960,  Black Panther Party 1969, 1970, Baptist Church 1953, Benedictine Monks 1955, Gordon Parks Fort Scott Kansas 
“Segregation Story” Gordon Parks Foundation

Gordon Parks, 1912 - 2006, Self Portrait 1941
Another longer film about Gordon Parks:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

NO CLASS on Monday January 28th.

Prepare for Wednesday January 30th class
(Assignment 5)  

Research the photographer that you will be presenting at the end of Winter Quarter.  The choice of photographer is totally up to you.

Here's one possible source: 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Winter 2019 Assignment 5 Photograms


On Wednesday January 30th  , beginning at 12:30 pm, come to RAH 303 The Darkroom. Don't come any later than  2:00 pm . You may need to knock on the door. Entering the darkroom is in 2 stages: wait for the outer door to close before entering the inner door.

You might envision a composition in advance.  The formats  8 x 10 inch, or 8 1/2 x 11   for black-and-white photographs.  Bring interestingly shaped objects as parts of the composition:

gummi bears, stars, hands, earphones, leaves, plants, religious symbols, toys, etc.  Be creative!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Assignment 4 The Invention of Photography with 19th Century British Applications

Assignment 4 The Invention of Photography with 19th Century British Applications  Winter 2019

Visual Journal

Written Assignment due Monday January 28th, 2019

The Pencil of Nature, TR57 P66 1990 [VHS] or DVD (required) Available through 
"Films on Demand"

The Eye of the Empire, TR 775 E94 1989 [VHS] or DVD (required)  Available

 through "Films on Demand"

Fox Talbot, William Henry.  The Pencil of Nature.


William Henry Fox Talbot, TR 140 T3 W55 2003 [DVD]

Daguerre and the Photo 

Camera, TR 140 D3 D34 2004 [DVD]

The Magic Mirror, TR 646 M334 1991 [VHS]

What one essential technological difference separated the photographic inventions of 

Niépce and Daguerre from that of Fox Talbot?

What occupations and social classes seemed to characterize many of the early

 practitioners of photography within Britain?

What characterized their approach to photography? How did they view this new medium, photography?

What would you say was the relationship between painting and photography in Victorian 

England, as presented in the videos and by Fox Talbot in The Pencil of Nature?

Describe how photography was used to support the British conception of the 19th century 

world order?

Describe how the use of photography developed in tandem with the 

new social science of anthropology.

Choose one landscape or nature photograph from The Pencil of Nature to write about.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Cameras Assignment 3 Winter Quarter 2019

A.  Bring your camera to class on Monday January 14th for Show 'n Tell

Written assignment due:  Wednesday January 23rd

B.  Login to by using your account.  Do either one of the following tutorials:  “Photography 101” with Joseph Linaschke and/or “Introduction to Photography” with Ben Long. 

C.  Find another photographic tutorial that interests you.  What is it?

1. Make and model of camera:

2. Do you have an instruction manual or factory online instructions?

3. Can you find information about your cameras somewhere else?

Where? Be Specific! ("The Internet", for example, is not specific enough)

4. What kind of camera is it? Is it a compact digital ___ a digital SLR_____ a compact 

35mm_______ a 35mm SLR_______, a cell phone______ smart phone,  or

 _____________________ ?

5. What kind of memory cards does it take, and what is the mega pixel rating? Or, what

 film size does it take?

6. What type of viewing system does it have?

7. Does it accept interchangeable lenses?

8. What is the focal length of the main lens?

9. What is the lens speed? (i.e. largest aperture)

10. What is the smallest aperture?

11. How close can it focus?

12. Can it use filters mounted on the lens? What size?

12a   Does it utilize digital filters?

13. What are the shutter speeds?

14. Can you control depth-of-field with this camera?  If so, how?

15. Does it have manual exposure?

16. Does it have auto-focus?

17. What adjustments are there for white balance and different kinds of lighting?

18. Does it have a built-in flash?

19.. If so, how powerful is it?

20. What other special features does it have?

21. Is it noisy when you fire it?

22. Does it have 3D capabilities?

23. Does it do video?

24. If so, what kind of video? 

25.  What kind of batteries does it take?

26.  Does it have additional features?

27. Is it a suitable tool for the kind of photography that you want to do?

Monday, January 7, 2019

Turning in assignments

Unless told to do otherwise, please turn in assignments in print format in class on the due date.

No class today! Monday, January 7th

No class, no school, owing to the power outage.  Make an effort to post your 3 photos before Wednesday.  If you have trouble doing this, check in with me before 11 am  on Tuesday in the Library.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Invitations sent out

I sent out invitations to via email this morning.  This is where I would like you to post your 3 photos. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Assignment 2 Winter Quarter 2019

Assignment 1 Sidibe and Mali Photography Show

Visual Journal

 due Monday January 7, 2019

Malick SidibéPortrait of the  Artist as a Portraitist                                                        

               (TR140.S5364M35 2006) - [DVD] 8:00      

1.  Find info about Malick Sidibe on the World Wide Web, such as the article in Wikipedia and copies of his photographs through Google or YouTube.

2.  How does Sidibé imply motion or movement in his portraits?

3.  What does Sidibé say about the reason to take photos in regard to 

           the passage of time?

4.  Find one photograph by Sidibé to discuss.  Write a paragraph or so about the photograph. 

5.  What is real about Sidibé's photography?  What is symbolic?

Visit the NPR website for this article about a recent show at the Mali National Museum 
6.  Choose one photograph to discuss.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Assignment 1 Winter 2019

ART 170Z
Randy Nelson

Visual Journal, Assignment 1

Pictures of You and Photography as an Art Language

For Show and Tell –

1. Post one photograph - a "selfie" or a self-portrait: a photograph of you that looks like you that you would be willing to present to the class.

2. A. Post one photograph that symbolizes you in some way or reveals a real you.


 3. Post a photobombed photo featuring you or a photo bomb that you have taken.
     Alternatively, post a photo that you took that is in some sense ironic.  

3. You should post the photographs before coming to class on the blog:

4. We will review the photos in class beginning on Monday January 7, 2019

5. Answer SOME of the questions posted under “Discussing Photographs” for your photographs.

Turn in this written assignment on Monday January 14, 2019.

Saturday, December 8, 2018


I will accept assignments until I turn in grades on December 14th.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Assignment 9  Response to Presentations 


due on Friday December 7th
Responses to Student Presentations on Photographers

1. Photograph 1:



Photograph posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

2. Photograph 2:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

3. Photograph 3:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photographer?

4. Photograph 4:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?

5. Photograph 5:



Photograph Posted:

What do you see?

What is the significance of this photograph?