Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Winter Quarter 2018 Assignment 2

assignment 2 Spring 2018

ART 170Z
Randy Nelson
Visual Journal, Assignment 2

Pictures of You and Photography as an Art Language

For Show and Tell –

1. Post one photograph - a "selfie" or a self-portrait: a photograph of you that looks like you that you would be willing to present to the class.

2. A. Post one photograph that symbolizes you in some way or reveals a real you.


 3. Post a photobombed photo featuring you or a photo bomb that you have taken.
     Alternatively, post a photo that you took that is in some sense ironic.  

3. You should post the photographs before coming to class on the blog:


4. We will review the photos in class beginning on Wednesday April 4th, 2018

5. Answer some of the questions posted under “Discussing Photographs” for your photographs.

Turn in this written assignment on Monday April 9th, 2018.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, what is the written assignment I have to turn in for this assignment?