Monday, June 6, 2016

Register to Vote!

There will be an opportunity to register to vote this Wednesday, 10 am – 1 pm in the Clock Tower Plaza.  
You may register and vote if you are:
·         A citizen of the United States;
·         A legal resident of Washington State;
·         At least 18 years old by Election Day;
·         Not disqualified from voting due to a court order; and
·         Not under Department of Corrections supervision for a Washington felony conviction.

More info here from the Office of Secretary of State:
Students can also register to vote on-line:
The General Election Timeline:
October 10
Deadline for voter registration, address change and other updates
October 21
Start of 18-day voting period (through Election Day). Ballots are mailed out and Accessible Voting Units (AVUs) are available at voting centers.
October 31
Deadline for in-person new Washington State voter registration
November 8
General Election

Sponsored by Student Leadership and The Washington Bus, a non-profit that engages tomorrow's leaders on their own terms, and empowers them through education, civic and cultural engagement, and hands-on democracy.

During the first week of fall quarter, we will also have voter registration outreach and additional election programming.                         

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