Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Assignment 7 The Studio

Assignment 7
The Studio

On Friday April 22nd, we will meet in my office LIB 144
I have a studio set up there with a seamless background.  Bring a camera.  Serve as a model, take photographs , or just watch.

I will divide up our class in 4 groups.  Sign up for the time which works best for you.

Group 1  7:30 - 8 am

Group 2  8:00 - 8:25 am

Group 3   8:25 - 9 am

Group 4   9:00 - 9:25 am

Group 5   9:25 - 9:50 am

You may post studio pics here if you wish:   http://sscstudiophotos.blogspot.com/

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