Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hi everyone,

This is the last quarter of an amazing NSF scholarship program, called ONSIGHT. Help us get the word out! ONSIGHT awards up to $2,000 per quarter to STEM students, even after they have exhausted their other financial aid. 

Applications are due Friday, November 14 at 5:00pm. To fully spend down the scholarship, we will make 6 – 10 awards this year. Let’s make sure our students get this money before it goes away!


Also, guess what? Students can pick up application forms at today’s student BBQ for the RST Academy, held from 12:30 – 2:00pm in JMB B. Come on by! 

More information here:

Program description:

Online application:  

Application Instructions: 

Letter of Recommendation form: 


Contact me if you have further questions!


Jake Ashcraft

(206) 934-6480

RSB 188

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