Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"The Rain Show" --- submission info


SSCC Art Gallery Present

The Rain Exhibit

January 13th, 2014– February 6th, 2014


Online Submission Entries Deadline: December 9th, 2013





If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:

SSCC Art Gallery presents the first of two Winter Quarter Exhibits: “The Rain” January 13th, 2014– February 6th, 2014.
We may complain about it in the winter, but the rain that the Pacific Northwest is famous for is also a source of its beauty and the life that it gives. To honor this life-giving force, South Seattle Community College’s Art Gallery is holding an exhibition, titled “The Rain.” We welcome any and all works that are related to the rain. Your imagination is the limit!  
Participation is open to all students, staff and faculty of South Seattle Community College. Participants may submit all work with rain related themes such as photographs, drawings, sculptures, ceramics, and digital images.
Ø  Each participant may submit a total of up to 3 items. Entry is free.
Ø  Participant entries must be submitted using Google Drive.
Ø  Participant entries must fill out the sections “Full Name”, “E-mail address”, “Phone”, “Medium ONE and Size (LXHW)”.
Ø  If you are ready to submit image, please copy the URL for your image Link.
   ·      If you have questions, please watch the training titled “ How to Create a Shared File Link Using Google Drive”:   
Sample image for Online Submission:
·      Further questions, please contact me by email:  
·       If you need to create a Google Apps account, please contact eLearning (
Catherine McCollum
Analea Brauburger, M.S.
Note #1: When we receive your entry, we will send you an invitation for this show by December 16th, 2013.
Note #2: If you are ready to submit images of your art:
Ø  WORK SAMPLES: Submit minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 digital images of works currently available from your submission Artwork.
Ø  Digital Images: Upload JPG files only (GIF, TIFF, and other formats will not be accepted). Images must be 1920 pixels on the longest side, at least 72 dpi, and under 2MB.
Ø  The format for citations using Google Drive:   
Artist’s Last Name_First Name_Image #_Title_Dimensions
Smith_John_01_The Rain_10x10
Smith_John_02_The Water_12x10
Smith_John_03_The Rainbow_10X10X1
v  If you need assistance photographing your artwork, please contact:
Note #3: Art Gallery space is limited, so we may not be able to hang all items you submit. Therefore, we may select items from your submissions based on size and / or suitability with the theme--
“Size Limitation”
Art gallery space is limited; therefore we need your items’ information through your online application. If you have any questions please contact me by email:
“Hand Delivery of Submission item”
“Hand Delivery of Submission item”
If you live near SSCC Art Gallery and would like to hand-deliver your submission items, they may be delivered during Gallery hours January 6-7, 2014 (10am-4pm). Larger works or works requiring special installation may be delivered on the installation day.  Please make prior arrangements with
“Pick up of Submission Items”
Please pick up your submission items, during the gallery’s hours of operation on Thursday, February 13th, 2014 (10am-4pm). For larger works or works requiring special attention please make prior arrangements for pick up by emailing me at:  
 "General Questions"
If you have any questions about participation and/or submission of your items, please contact Aaron Jamroski, Art Gallery Assistant at


2013-2014 Calendar

November 26th, 2013

General announcement for online submissions.

December 9th, 2013

12 a.m. Pacific Time

Deadline for receipt of online submissions.

December 16th, 2013

Notification of acceptance

Participants will be notified via email or phone.

January 6-7, 2014

Deadline for receipt of accepted items.

See "Hand delivery of submission items."

January 9-10, 2014

Install items (All day)

January 13, 2014

Exhibition opens.

February 6, 2014

Show closes

February 7, 2013

Pick up items

See “Pick up of submission items “



Best Regards,


Akiko Masker, SSCC Art Gallery Coordinator.

Aaron Jamroski, SSCC Art Gallery Assistant.

SSCC Art Gallery Committee member.

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