Monday, April 29, 2013

Financial Aid Info


The Priority Financial Aid date is May 9th, 2013 for Fall 2013. 



Applying for Financial Aid is a 2-3 month process and it begins with completing the FAFSA. The attached documents have all the information students need to start and complete their FAFSA’s as well as where to get help if they need it.


The last FAFSA Friday workshop before the deadline this Friday May 3rd, 2013 from 1-2pm.  We use the attached information in these workshops so feel free to distribute them to our students!


Please let our students know that it is time to do their FAFSA for Fall 2013 through Summer 2014!!!


This impacts all of us because most students need Financial Aid to enroll.

No FA = fewer FTE’s


Thanks for spreading the word to our students!

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