Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Project Possibility

Monthly Photo Contest on Facebook!!

Each month, a prompt will be posted on the International Programs SSCC facebook page and on the International Programs Blog. All SSCC students, faculty, and staff can post photos onto the facebook page related to the prompt throughout the entire month. Voting will be done through the “Like” feature and anyone can be involved! The photo with the most “Likes” by the 5th day of the following month wins by having the photo be the new cover photo for the facebook page and the person who posted that photo will win a $15 gift card.
Here is this May’s Photo Challenge:


They are starting a monthly photo contest on our Facebook. Post your pictures to win prizes. This month, take a picture of anything "Spring" and you could win a $15 gift card to iTunes!

South Seattle Community College
International Programs

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