Thursday, November 3, 2011

Free Lunch

"The single best predictor of student satisfaction with college is the degree to which they perceive the college environment to be supportive of their academic and social needs."  2010 NSSE survey*

A supportive campus environment in practice means providing support for academic, social (building positive relationships),and non-academic (work, family) needs, quality relationships with students, faculty, administrative, and support personnel.

Please announce to your students:

We know that a supportive campus climate and the quality of faculty-student relationships is critical to academic success. Student Life supports strengthening these relationships through LET’S DO LUNCH, a program in which students can invite a faculty member to lunch on campus. Students have reported that this is a great opportunity to connect with a faculty member to discuss course progress, major choice, career direction, and to receive general support and advice. Here are a few comments from students who had lunch with a faculty member:

“I enjoyed talking with my instructor outside of class – he was open about the quality of his course and suggestions from students. This enabled me to get to know him as a person as well as teacher.”

“Lunch was great. It gave me a chance to tell my instructor “thank you” for inspiring me to love math and for being a fantastic instructor. Despite me being an older student, I feel the separation between my instructors and myself. The beauty of being able to go sit and have a meal together made it possible to be outside class, comfortable, and have a conversation… It made her more accessible and it was enjoyable. Thanks!”

And from a faculty member:

                                                “This is a great idea. I rarely have a chance to talk to students on a personal level. I really enjoyed this!”

Students can obtain a Let’s Do Lunch Program application in Student Life, JMB Student Center 135. As part of the application process, students will need the instructor's signature on the application to confirm a lunch appointment has been made, and then a $30 meal ticket for the Cafe Alki, Alhadeff Grill or the cafeteria will be issued to the student. After lunch, we ask that a simple evaluation form also be completed by the instructor and student. That's it! 

Thank you for participating in this successful retention and campus climate initiative! Student service and activity fees fund the program. If you have any comments or recommendations, please email us.

Monica Lundberg, M.Ed.

Program Manager, Office of Student Life

South Seattle Community College

JB Student Center

6000 16 Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98106

Tel: (206)934-6750

*National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), Major Differences: Examining Student Engagement by Field of Study—Annual Results 2010

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