Wednesday, October 6, 2010 email account

Dear South,

Please help us encourage 
all South students to activate/use their campus-issued e-mail account
Our goal is to enrich our campus community by...
  • establishing a consistent, easy-to-use e-mail system with our students (Highline CC already requires this of their students – and many campuses are following suit!)
  • giving students a professional college email address for resumes, grants, etc. (Separating personal from professional email addresses)
  • directing students to DEEP discounts they can receive due to owning a .EDU e-mail address
  • training students how to use the collaboration tools that accompany an account: Email, Calendars, Discussion Forums, Documents and Online Storage Space, Portfolio Websites, etc. (Technology skills are becoming expected in today's hiring climate)
 ***********************Please share this information in any professional 'J' manner you’d like!  ***********************
Catherine McCollum says, “Please send your students to me  or  have them fill out our form:".  Catherine’s in your eLearning office 9am – 5pm, Mon. - Thurs. (LIB130).  Located in the south end of our campus library building.
Thank you for your time.
Virtually Yours,
Sara Newman
SSCC eLearning & TLC Coordinator
SSCC ANGEL, Elluminate and GA4E Administrator
SCCC Information Technology/Web Faculty
(206) 395-WEBB

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