Saturday, May 22, 2010

What's due at end of quarter

ART 170Z Grading Checklist

ART 170Z Photography as an Art Language

Name_______________ Spring Quarter 2010

Quarter Assignments

Visual Journal assignments, weekly

40 points __8 weekly assignments____________

2 quizzes

20 points 1. take home  2. on 5 student presentations Wed. June 9th

3 photographic digital images (1 straight, 1 edited, 1 manipulated)

10 points _Email me or shown to me by Wednesday June 19th

Final Project 15 points_suggestion: 1 print for library show June 2nd

Presentation of a photographer 15 points _May 24, 26, June 2, or 7___________

Extra Credit: No more than ONE absence 5 points_______________

Extra Credit: Presentation on date of Final Exam 5 points_June 16th Wednesday__________

Final Grade 100 points ___________

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