Sunday, April 5, 2009

Student Presentations

Student Presentations

ART 170Z

Randy Nelson

Student Presentation on a Photographer

15 points

Every student is required to make an oral presentation on a photographer.

What is required?

1 At least 1 .jpg photograph must be posted to the class website prior to the presentation.

This photograph must have no identifying marks and be suitable for using unaltered for quiz number 2 at the end of the quarter.

It must be properly cited. (3 points)

2. A presentation, such as PowerPoint, could be posted to the class website.

Other than that, you may cover what you think is relevant for however long you wish to present.

Students will be tested on your photographer so you should address the following questions:

a. Who is the photographer?

b. What do you see?

c. What is the significance of the photograph for the course?

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