Sunday, April 5, 2009

Assignment 3

Assignment 3
South Seattle Community College
Spring Quarter 2009
ART 170
Randy Nelson
Visual Journal
Assignment #3
Your Photographs on Our Website
(due June 8th )
1. Post at least 3 photographs that you have taken to the bulletin board on our class website. Label it "Assignment 3". You may post as many photographs as you wish.
2. The photograph must be a jpeg (.jpg) file. It should fit on the screen and be
between approximately 600 x 600 and 800 x 1200 pixels.
3. Deadline for one photograph to be posted: Wednesday May 27th
4. Send comments on 6 photographs to fellow students.
5. What did you learn about your photograph from the comments of your audience, your fellow students?
(This, number 5, is the only written part of the assignment that I need from you.

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