ART170 Names:____________________________
Randy Nelson
Fall 2008
Assignment 1
I. View this DVD available in the Library:
Malick Sidibé TR140 S5364 M35 2006
“I wanted to give life to the image.” Malick SidibĂ©
1. Break up into groups of 2.
How might photography be about “spirits”?
How is photography “social”?
What tips does Malick offer for taking portraits?
How does Malick compare himself to Seydou Keita?
Select 2 photos to discuss
Answer the following:
A. Photo A
1. Title:
2. Year
3. What is real in the photo?
4. What is symbolic?
5. Where are the shadows?
6. Where are the highlights?
7. What gives the photo life?
B. Photo B
1. Title:
2. Source:
3. What is real in the photo?
4. What is symbolic?
5. Where are the shadows?
6. Where are the highlights?
7. What gives the photo life?
II. Visit the photographic show in the Library.
A. Select a student photograph each from ART 114 and from ART 170.
For each: 1. Who is the photographer?
2. What is the photograph about?
3. How is the photograph interesting for you?
Photo A
Title: Regardez Moi
Year: 1962
What is real in the photo? The people are real in the photo, the location is real, as well as the smile from the man in the center.
What is symbolic? The openness of the poses, as well as how everyone but the two central subjects are somewhat not shown, their faces that is.
Where are the shadows? The shadows are behind most of the individual subjects.
Where are the highlights? The highlights are on the people in the center of the photograph and off to the left.
What gives the photo life? The seemingly impromptu center pose from the man in the center as well as his smile.
Photo B
Title: Vues de dos
Year: 2002
What is real in the photo? The three female subjects are real.
What is symbolic? The turning of their backs probably signifies an ostracizing of some sort, and the way the woman on the right is wrapping her arm around the middle one, implies, familiarity, sympathy and support.
Where are the shadows? The shadows are collectively huddled the way that the subjects are facing, near the wall.
Where are the highlights? On the subjects.
What gives the photo life? The way the three women are positioned, as well as the arm around the woman in the center.
Student Gallery
Photographer: Margo Femiano
1. What is the photograph about? A trio of children native to Chongqing, China.
2. How is the photo interesting to you? I was on the same trip with Margo, and I have many picture of these very same children. What was interesting to me in how Margo captured them, was how innocent and joyful they seem. It’s also very colorful.
There was trouble with my email and I did not recieve the link to this blog until a few days ago.
How might photography be about “spirits”?
One may argue that a major role in photography is to catch a persons "spirit." A real good photographer can catch one's spirit in a photograph, their inner light so to speak.
How is photography “social”?
Photography is something to be shared. A beautiful photograph is meaningful if you are the only one who knows about it/has seen it, but if you share that work and it is appreciated by someone else, it becomes even more special. Photography is also a way to express yourself, and how can you express yourself if you have no one to express to?
What tips does Malick offer for taking portraits?
How does Malick compare himself to Seydou Keita?
He compared himself in the sense that they both tried to catch one's spirit.
Select 2 photos to discuss
Answer the following:
A. Photo
A1. Title: Untitle
2. Year: 1967
3. What is real in the photo? The couple dancing is real.
4. What is symbolic? The way that they hold each other is symbolic to their relationship.
5. Where are the shadows? Towards the back against the wall.
6. Where are the highlights? Just beneath their feet.
7. What gives the photo life? Their facial expressions.
B. Photo
B1. Title: Regardez Moi
2. Source: Malick Sidibe
3. What is real in the photo? The group dancing is real.
4. What is symbolic? The man in the center smiling. His smile is symbol in that he is having fun. The angle is symbolic because it shows him as the center of attention.
5. Where are the shadows? Just behind each person.
6. Where are the highlights? On the floor in front of each person.
7. What gives the photo life? The energy of those dancing.
II. Visit the photographic show in the Library.
A. Select a student photograph each from ART 114 and from ART 170.For each:
1. Who is the photographer? Margo Femiano
2. What is the photograph about? Three children in China.
3. How is the photograph interesting for you? I've seen these kids in numerous pictures from others from my school that went to China with Margo, and these three were the most photographed. They hold their emotions in their eyes, that's what is interesting for me.
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